This morning I gave a week's notice to a job that I have held onto for 3 years. I have given a notice before, but never followed through with it, due to fear, or a lack of trust within myself that I can do better.
Often when it comes to trusting our own intuition and setting ourselves free from bondage of self-doubt ,we can be our own worst enemy. Instead of listening to our higher divine selves and trusting our own intuition, we get trapped into what we are use to. The old saying that "we are creatures of habit" is so very true.
How many times have you felt a tug on your heart to do something differently, or to look at something with a different perspective? For someone like me, that is terrifying. I recall when I was being called to get out of the church and take God out of the "church box" with me. I ended up getting a divorce, not just from the church, from my husband too. Now that was some scary stuff at that time in my life. Funny thing, for several years my intuition kept telling me that it was time for me to make a break for it. In talking to myself, my thoughts were, "What, and give up all this that I have in my life?" At the time I thought I had so much going for me, being married to a man that did not love me and was very self -centered, begin connected to a false religion that held me down with loads of fear driven beliefs about myself and others. I did not know any better. |
When I finally decided to leave my husband, I will never forget backing out of the drive-way for good, I was so afraid. "Am I really doing the right thing?", were my thoughts. Three weeks later, my then husband even convinced me to come home. He had me believing I was making a mistake, causing our family to suffer. Yes I did, I fell for it. However, it did not take long for me to listen and trust my intuition to leave that toxic life that I had created for myself.
We live in very scary times, and for many of us, we have been conditioned to self-doubt, trying to make everyone happy so that we will be liked. It is when we do not trust our own intuition, out of fear of displeasing someone, it comes back and bites us in the rear-end. It is time to break ourselves free of the bondage of being our own enemy. I challenge all of us to spread some tender loving care within us all, and develop a loving & trusting relationship with self. Oh and one more thing, it is okay to forgive ourselves for not being loyal and trusting to self in the first place. |
I am very thrilled to to introduce James as our first practitioner to the Esoteric Society. I have known James for some time, we hosted a radio show together, "Awakenings" when I was just beganing my spiritual journey. What a beautiful human being he is! I have never met anyone that has had nothing but wonderful things to say about James.
Past Life Reading Friday June 28th 12 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. The Past Life readings are a great way to find out what causes you to have certain behavior patterns, as it helps you to have a better understanding of the life that you are in now & how to follow your compass. Form Of Payment: Love Offering All you have to do is call or text Gyspy Spirit for time and address at 843-575-9243 |
Healing Hands & Crystal Therapy
Saturday June 29th 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Spend 30 minutes in the warmth of Healing Hands & Crystal Therapy with Gypsy Spirit. A private session of hands on healing (much like reiki) using crystals, essential oils & flowers. Gypsy Spirit has created a very special therapy to heal & remove the blockages that are holding you back from connecting with your Higher Divine. After just one session you will feel recharged with the courage & confidence to move forward with your manifestations. Cost: A Love Offering Just text Gypsy Spirit at 843-575-9243 to schedule your private session. The Magic Of Higher Divine Power
August 4th - 25th A guidance of encouragement created to Enlighten & Empower you to connect with the magic essence of your higher divine self. Please visit the following link for more info: |