My name is Lisa Marie and I have been reading tarot cards since 2011, although I have been told by a few other psychics that I have been reading for five hundred or more years. Sometimes I believe that may be true. I recall my grandmother reading tarot from just a plain deck of cards. My fondest memory of her is when I was about six years old and my parents were going through a divorce, so my mom and I went to stay with my grandmother. It was a warm Saturday afternoon, and the old house we lived in was full with friends and family that seemed to be having a little party. I stood away from the crowd watching them drinking and smoking, while noticing my grandmother, sitting at her large oval shaped table that was draped with a lace tablecloth, reading her cards. I realized all the folks that appeared to be enjoying themselves were waiting to have a tarot reading. That was really my first introduction to tarot. Of course at that age I did not understand completely what was going on, but I knew whatever it was, I wanted in.
My mother had many siblings, which meant I had a lot of cousins. I later learned that many of us are gifted like my grandmother, but I am the only one in the family that uses the gift. This does surprise me, out of over twenty cousins, I am the free spirited, crazy oddball.
My education comes with a background in Psychology and Religion. I worked in many institutions: substance abuse, mental care and group homes for troubled teens. There seems to be a very quick burn out in that profession. I don't really know why I wanted to study world religions. At least while in college, I did not fully understand the reason. Today I understand.
At the time of college and being a counselor, I was very heavily involved in Christianity. By the time I was thirty five, I married someone from church and had a child. My counseling days were over, at least I thought they were. I was married for thirteen years and was so miserable that I gained a hundred pounds. It was towards the end of my marriage that I began to have some amazing dreams. In each dream my husband and I were buying a house. The house from the outside always looked very small, but once we moved in, I would discover all these hidden hallways and extra rooms. Knowing what I know about dream interpretation, when one dreams about a house they are dreaming of themselves. Of course, the hidden hallways that I would discover with extra rooms indicated that I had within me many hidden gifts and treasures. It was just before my marriage ended I was sitting on the couch, looking at my husband and thought to myself, “I know I am supposed to be doing something. I don't know what it is, but whatever it is, it does not include that man.” Long story short, my husband and I divorced and my spiritual journey began with tarot cards.
I knew I was supposed to be reading tarot cards, but I was confused with fear. Yes, some of that Christian residue was still attached to me. It was one day I was visiting a shop in Asheville, North Carolina and there was a woman sitting at a table reading tarot cards. I walked over to her and expressed that I knew I am supposed to be reading the cards but had some fears about it. She looked at me oddly and picked up a card from her deck and said, “This is just a piece of paper. It is just a tool.” At that moment the light bulb came on . A week later I was reading tarot to friends, family and anyone that would let me read for them. Over time I discovered many of my other spiritual gifts and no longer experienced the dreams of the small house with hidden hallways and rooms.
My gifts of Intuition are Clairaudient, Clairvoyant, Mediumship, Energy Healing, Chakra Balancing & Past Lives, & Helping To Guide Individuals Through Their Spiritual Journey. My reading style is Spiritual, Conversational & Compassionate