Fear is the opposite of courage. When we run from what we fear, we loose the sight of setting boundaries and staying true to ourselves.
Full Moon ToolsCrystals & Stones:
Obsidian - Volcanic glass that can be found all over the world. Is known for it's protection properties & also to ward off negative energy. If you are very sensitive to other's energy, you should keep this stone in your home & work place. This stone is perfect for full moon ritual, as it aids in letting go of old unhealthy patterns, bad relationships. It is great for those that have difficulty getting over an old flame, it helps to remove that toxic energy, thus allowing one to move on with their life. As the Obsidian assist you in letting go of the old, it fills you with a new energy to explore who you are & grow. Herb Magic:
Hyssop - Is known for aiding in removing negative energy & protection of negative energy that may come your way. It is great to burn during the nights of the full moon, as you set your intentions of releasing what you no longer want. |
We will be experiencing a full moon this week, May 17th - May 19th (May 18th it will be at it's fullest). People talk about weird things happening during the full moon phase. Yes, that is true. Although, most people see it as a negative thing, I see it as a very positive thing, so do many others.
I recall last month during the full moon. I had four days off from work and I had big plans. In spite of what I wanted to do, the Universe had something else in store for me. I was lifeless , because I felt like I had been hit over the head with a sleeping stick , and for three whole days that is exactly what I did, sleep. I would wake up long enough to get something to eat, clean a little and crawl back into my bed. I had visions and dreams, they all centered around something that had been bothering me for awhile. The Universe was giving me a cue that it was time for me to give up and let go of what I could not control. A funny thing happened the very night of the fullest moon. The very thing that I was so bothered with, in regards to my job, turned into a reality. It was at that moment I let go of what I had not control of. I finally understood that the circumstances was not my problem. It was when I released that negative energy that had been hovering over me, I began to have visions of what I have known for many years. The visions were about what my true purpose is. Now that I had let go of what was not serving me, I was able to see things in a different perspective. It was a new beginning with no anger or fear attached to it. I love this full moon energy! It gently encourages us to release our fears & doubts, as it refreshes our spirit with a new enlightenment, that allows us to embrace our own empowerment. Essential Oil:
Jasmine - A very beautiful fragrance and is associated with the moon. Rub some of this oil on your third eye and receive much clearer visions during meditation & intuitive readings. |
Looks like this week has much to promise us. Starting with the Flower Oracle card revealing the radiant sunshine flower, the Sunflower. This flower is all about fire energy with an abundance of happy all around it. The beautiful Sunflower reminds us that life is good and there is something that we can find to smile about. When we smile, it has a chemical body affect that puts us in a happy mood and that happiness is infectious when we share our smiles with other. We are in times where the people of the world need a reason to smile, you never know, your sharing smile could be the reason.
The Field Of Dreams comes from the Map Oracle card deck. What a create card that goes well with the Sunflower card. This represents all the ideas you have been manifesting. Perhaps for many, you are just thinking about what you want in the next chapter of your life. The promise is good, see all the butterflies flying around. You are evolving, getting prepared for what is next in your life journey. Do not be afraid to think big and plan big. With your word of the week being, COURAGE, this card is all about courage. As you manifest what you are wanting in your life, also manifest for the courage to follow through with your plans. Use this full moon to remove the fears, and other obstacles blocking you from your true dreams & desires. Stay very true to your heart, follow your heart, and remember, never give your power away. The Ten of Pentacles tells you that things are really good right now in your world. Do not fret about money if you feel like you do not have any, you have everything you need to keep you content. Tell you friends & family how much you love them. Remember to love yourself first and far most , then everything else will fall into place. |
Tarot & Tea
Every Monday from 3:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. come in for a short rest while Gypsy Spirit reads your tarot and offers you healthy refreshments. There is no charge for this. Love offerings are greatly appreciated! All you have to do is contact Gypsy Spirit for time & address by texting, 843-575-9243 |
Meditation & Fellowship:
Each Sunday in June, join Gypsy Spirit for Mediation & Fellowship that is designed to fuel your spirit for the upcoming week. For 30 minutes you will be guided into a beautiful mediation created to enlighten your spirit & empower you through your higher divine self. For more info, visit the following link: |
Full Moon Ritual, Drumming & Energy Healing Therapy
June 17th Join Gypsy Spirit & Mary Delluci for a special full moon night filled with fellowship, drumming. The focus will be to honor our higher divine selves by releasing what has held us in bondage, allowing us to embrace freedom to a higher level of love & creativity. For more info, visit the following link: |
The Magic Of Higher Divine Power
August 4th - 25th A guidance of encouragement created to Enlighten & Empower you to connect with the magic essence of your higher divine self. Please visit the following link for more info: |