This is a very touchy subject to talk about. At least for me it is. When we think about forgiveness, we think about forgiving someone else for any form of pain they may have put on us. That is part of the steps to freedom within, forgiving others for what they may have done. But, the hardest form of forgiveness is to self. That is a very hard pill to swallow. As many of us are on some type of spiritual/soul journey, we seek wisdom in becoming centered with the Universe and our Higher Divine. But until we are totally free of guilt, we hold ourselves a prisoner, unable to reach that total bliss of happiness.
I am very guilty of allowing myself to get stuck in a toxic relationship, simply because I did not have the strength to forgive myself of my past. We hear about domestic violence, often shaking our heads as to why anybody would stay in that kind of situation. Until the victim embraces self forgiveness of the past and allows themselves to receive self-love, they feel like the toxic relationship is what they deserve.
I believe we are all spiritual beings trapped in human bodies. I recently had a lady come to me for a past life reading. Although, the reading made perfect sense to her. So much sense, that she wondered if I was reading her present life story. She questioned why we suffer in one life time, only to come back and suffer again, often over the same things.
I explained the concept of forgiveness. On this Earth, we are here to help each other grow, lift each other up. Sometimes people are put in our lives to help us grow, but it is only through conflict with them, that we grow. But, this is where they tricky part comes in, we must open ourselves up to forgive ourselves and the other person so that we can rise above and experience the freedom of growth. Also, understand the other person is learning a lesson from the conflicted situation from you too. If we hang onto the anger and unforgiveness, we miss the wisdom that the Universe was trying to help us with. For many, they have set an intention to get more spiritual, get into alignment with the Universe. It is usually at that time all hell breaks loose. I recall as I was beginning my spiritual journey eight years ago, I encountered the most difficult relationship/break-up ever in my life. After working with several spiritual individuals, I discovered this person and I had a past life together and that we were together again in this life time to have the chance to forgive each other from our past. The most important part of the break-up, forgiving myself for all of my past in this life time. It was not until then that I began to understand the dynamics of the relationship and the past life that I had with this person, and the healing began. As the healing started, I not just forgave myself, I began to forgive all the x -lovers (boyfriends & husbands). Something really interesting happens when you invoke love to yourself, it pours outwards towards others. You suddenly find that you have an unexplainable shift in energy, aligning you more with your Higher Divine & the Universe.
I read this book many years ago when I first began my journey. What a powerful book, made it so easy to understand things I had questions about.
Full Moon ToolsCrystals & Stones:
Rose Quartz: The soothing energy of Rose Quartz fosters empathy, reconciliation, and forgiveness of others. Lowering stress and tension in the heart, Rose Quartz clears out anger, jealousy, and resentment of others, and allows healing of heart issues and dis-ease associated with holding on to such negative emotions. I place stones all over my home. That is why I buy them in bulk like this. This is such a great price for so many of them, enough to place in every room of your home.
Herb Magic:
Rose: Rose is a beautiful herb to aid in love towards yourself & others. When you are able to find the love, the forgiveness seems to kick in. Haven't you ever had a falling out with a lover and they send you a bouquet of roses? If I am angry with someone, roses always makes the anger go away. In this case, I encourage you to use the rose herb to help you in self forgiveness and love. |
We are entering into June's Full Moon, known as the "Strawberry Moon". Since the word of the week is Forgiveness, it ties in well with the Full Moon energy. This moon is about drawing in it's powerful energies, thus giving us the power to remove what we need to let go of. Forgiveness allows us to let go.
I encourage us to use this Full Moon energy for strength to forgive ourselves of our past. Don't be surprised that over the next two weeks you begin to feel a bit lighter when doing this. You will feel the most magical shift in your spirit, and your soul journey will flow upward in a beautiful space. Full Moon Ritual & Energy Healing Therapy
June 17th Join Gypsy Spirit for a special full moon night filled with fellowship. The focus will be to honor our higher divine selves by releasing what has held us in bondage, allowing us to embrace freedom to a higher level of love & creativity. Cost: $20.00 For more info, visit the following link: Essential Oil:
Basil: Basil Essential Oil assists in awakening, awareness, and understanding. It allows the clearance of a muddled mind that puts up a barrier to contacting angels. It also attracts love, inducing love towards self.
I love to buy my herbs in large bulk. These 2 companies are great to purchase from
I am very thrilled to to introduce James as our first practitioner to the Esoteric Society. I have known James for some time, we hosted a radio show together, "Awakenings" when I was just beganing my spiritual journey. What a beautiful human being he is! I have never met anyone that has had nothing but wonderful things to say about James.
Meditation & Fellowship:
Sunday June 23rd: A beautiful guided meditation to fill you with the encouragement to continue letting go what is no longer serving you, while we are still under the full moon cycle. We will be working with crystals & herbs. Group limit is 8 Healthy Refreshments will be served Cost: $10.00 |
Full Moon Ritual & Energy Healing Therapy
June 17th Join Gypsy Spirit for a special full moon night filled with fellowship. The focus will be to honor our higher divine selves by releasing what has held us in bondage, allowing us to embrace freedom to a higher level of love & creativity. For more info, visit the following link: Past Life Reading Friday June 21st 12 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. The Past Life readings are a great way to find out what causes you to have certain behavior patterns, as it helps you to have a better understanding of the life that you are in now & how to follow your compass. Form Of Payment: Love Offering All you have to do is call or text Gyspy Spirit for time and address at 843-575-9243 |
Healing Hands & Crystal Therapy
Saturday June 22nd 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Spend 30 minutes in the warmth of Healing Hands & Crystal Therapy with Gypsy Spirit. A private session of hands on healing (much like reiki) using crystals, essential oils & flowers. Gypsy Spirit has created a very special therapy to heal & remove the blockages that are holding you back from connecting with your Higher Divine. After just one session you will feel recharged with the courage & confidence to move forward with your manifestations. Cost: A Love Offering Just text Gypsy Spirit at 843-575-9243 to schedule your private session. The Magic Of Higher Divine Power
August 4th - 25th A guidance of encouragement created to Enlighten & Empower you to connect with the magic essence of your higher divine self. Please visit the following link for more info: |