When I first became awakened I met up with a medium. She spoke of my grandmother & my mother. She also mentioned that I needed to tap into my inner child. What does that mean? How do you do that ? Those were the questions I had floating in my head. I had been working with the elderly as a care giver at the time. I recall several days afterwards I was meditating, I asked the Universe to help me tap into my inner child. This was also a time that I was looking for a new job. There was an ad on Craigs List for an ice cream truck driver. At the time, I did not realize that the Universe was answering my request.
Quitting my job was a huge leap of faith for me. I will admit, my human side can get the best of me at times. The worry can sometimes affect me on a mental & physical level. As I move through the Full Moon & Retrograde, the Universe thought it would be a good time to remind me of that inner child. It was during my ice cream truck driving day's that the Universe kicked me around a bit. I recall the first week I was driving the truck and there were kids everywhere. Some of them frightened me a bit, I used much caution not to accidentally hit any of them. I managed to serve each child, making them even happier. As I drove away, I heard my higher divine self explain to me that I am to be just excited about life, as the children were about the ice cream truck. A beautiful gentleman shared this video with me. It really spoke volumes to me and relates much to what is going on with this Retrograde & Full Moon. For some of you, it might get a little weird. This woman communicates with The Pleiadians and allows them to speak through her. A few suggestion on Tarot Cards. I personally use the Tarot In Wonderland and love the graphics on them.
Another time I pulled over for a child to get his ice cream. I have to share, if you ever find yourself driving an ice cream truck, time is very important. You gotta get through all the neighborhoods before it gets dark. So this one child kept changing his mind on which ice cream he wanted. He kept going back and forth for what seemed like an eternity. I wanted to smack him. His mother finally urged him to quickly make up his mind, because the ice cream lady had other kids to get to. I give the child his ice cream and drove away quickly. Oh yeah, the Universe was having a field day with me. Shortly after I drove off, my higher divine expressed that time is infinite and I am not to make a big issue over time. I am to look at time as a child see's it. There are times when I have to be an adult when it comes to paying bills & working a "real" job. But for the most part, I do not stress over time. I do have some friends or past boyfriends that can attest to that.
But one of my favorite stories is the time I went into a neighborhood that I did not frequent often. A little girl and her older sister ran up to the edge of the road. While the older sibling ran inside to get some money, the younger sister was so excited and said, "This is a lucky day!" I though maybe it was her birthday, so I asked why it was such a lucky day. Her response, "Because the ice cream truck is here." Once again, I was reminded that I am to believe that every day is a lucky day. This Retrograde has brought me back to those scene's. Simply because I allowed worry to take over. Worry about the future and money. Late last night I was reminded to go back to that child like faith and do what I love to do. The Universe has got this! Don't be afraid to tap into your inner child. The Universe has got your back!
I am very thrilled to to introduce James as our first practitioner to the Esoteric Society. I have known James for some time, we hosted a radio show together, "Awakenings" when I was just beganing my spiritual journey. What a beautiful human being he is! I have never met anyone that has had nothing but wonderful things to say about James.
Exploring The Ascended Masters & Guided Meditation PotLuck
Tuesday July 23rd 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm Ascended Master Of The Evening: St. Germain Gypsy Spirit of The Esoteric Society invites you every Tuesday evening to share a potluck and explore the Ascended Masters. Each week we will work with one Ascended Master, Gypsy Spirit will lead the group into a guided meditation, invoking the Master of the night to receive the messages He/She has for you. This is a small intimate group setting of 6 individuals. Please bring your favorite potluck dish, enough for 7 people. Cost: $8.00 Just text Gypsy Spirit at 843-575-9243 to RSVP your special place
Past Life Reading Friday July 19th 12 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. The Past Life readings are a great way to find out what causes you to have certain behavior patterns, as it helps you to have a better understanding of the life that you are in now & how to follow your compass. Form Of Payment: Love Offering All you have to do is call or text Gypsy Spirit for time and address at 843-575-9243 |
Healing Hands & Crystal Therapy
Saturday July 27th 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Spend 30 minutes in the warmth of Healing Hands & Crystal Therapy with Gypsy Spirit. A private session of hands on healing (much like reiki) using crystals, essential oils & flowers. Gypsy Spirit has created a very special therapy to heal & remove the blockages that are holding you back from connecting with your Higher Divine. After just one session you will feel recharged with the courage & confidence to move forward with your manifestations. Cost: A Love Offering Just text Gypsy Spirit at 843-575-9243 to schedule your private session. The Magic Of Higher Divine Power
August 4th - 25th A guidance of encouragement created to Enlighten & Empower you to connect with the magic essence of your higher divine self. Please visit the following link for more info: |
Learn To Read Tarot w/ James Himm Mitchell & Gypsy Spirit
Sunday September 1st 4:00 - 6:00 Learn to read tarot, how to use various spreads for your friends and yourself. Who knows, maybe one day you will turn it into a business. Whatever the case may be, you will learn much with other kindred spirits and have a wonderful time.
Cost: $30.00 (please pay upon arrival) This class has space for 9 individuals, please RSVP with Gypsy Spirit by texting 843-575-9243. |