Patience has never been one of my strong qualities. I believe that it is just a human thing, that when we manifest something, we expect it to happen "right now". Expect is a very powerful word and mind thought.
I have a puppy who is about 6 months old. Every morning, around 7:00, I let her outside, while I go back to sleep. I get up at about 8:30, put on my coffee and set up her food & water. When I open the door to let her in, she runs straight to her food area. She knows that her food is there, she is expecting it before I even open the door. I wonder, what would happen if we all had that same mind set that my dog, Mystie, has? Oh my goodness, our stress levels would be so very low. Imagine the peace we would embrace by expecting to receive whatever it is we ask the Universe for. I recall several years ago a conversation that I had with a friend. I expressed to him some of the things that I wanted to see happen in my life, my manifestations. He explained that everything I have asked for has already been given to me. I looked at him very oddly. He continued to explain that I am the one blocking myself from getting what I asked for. Well, I just wanted to smack that handsome face of his. A few suggestion on Tarot Cards. I personally use the Tarot In Wonderland and love the graphics on them.
My friend is right and I knew it all along. But knowing that I had so many blockages in my way is what irritated me.
It is often we have to go through some challenging things to help us grow, so that we can have what we manifest. For instance: many of us manifest a long, lasting and loving relationship with a partner that we consider our best friend. Yes, we go through many relationships before we get to that one person. But we have to endure some pain and learning experiences before we get to that perfect person. It is like the gold in us is being chiseled out. This is no different in all things we manifest. But what is the most important thing to know while manifesting something you really want, expect it to happen. Chances are it will not happen when you want it to, but it will happen. We must trust that it will happen and embrace the challenges that the Universe puts us through, expecting that it is bringing us to what we have been manifesting for so long. I do believe, along the way, we learn patience too.
I am very thrilled to to introduce James as our first practitioner to the Esoteric Society. I have known James for some time, we hosted a radio show together, "Awakenings" when I was just beganing my spiritual journey. What a beautiful human being he is! I have never met anyone that has had nothing but wonderful things to say about James.
Full Moon Tarot & Angel Reading w/ Gypsy Spirit
Tuesday July 16th 10 am - 4 pm Tuesday July 16th is the Full Moon. Gypsy Spirit offers a special tarot reading, along side with messages from your Angel guides through a Angel Oracle Card reading. Cost: Love Offering Just text Gypsy Spirit at 843-575-9243 to book your session. Full Moon Ritual
Tuesday July 16th 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm Join Gypsy Spirit, Shaman Jimmy & Lisa Healer/Seer for an intimate night of full moon ritual, drumming, meditation, healing hands therapy & good fellowship. A Healthy dinner will be served at 6:30 Cost: $20.00 (please pay upon arrival) Please RSVP with Gypsy Spirit, text 843-575-9243, space is limited to 9 individuals. Past Life Reading
Friday July 19th 12 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. The Past Life readings are a great way to find out what causes you to have certain behavior patterns, as it helps you to have a better understanding of the life that you are in now & how to follow your compass. Form Of Payment: Love Offering All you have to do is call or text Gypsy Spirit for time and address at 843-575-9243 |
Healing Hands & Crystal Therapy
Saturday July 20th 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Spend 30 minutes in the warmth of Healing Hands & Crystal Therapy with Gypsy Spirit. A private session of hands on healing (much like reiki) using crystals, essential oils & flowers. Gypsy Spirit has created a very special therapy to heal & remove the blockages that are holding you back from connecting with your Higher Divine. After just one session you will feel recharged with the courage & confidence to move forward with your manifestations. Cost: A Love Offering Just text Gypsy Spirit at 843-575-9243 to schedule your private session. The Magic Of Higher Divine Power
August 4th - 25th A guidance of encouragement created to Enlighten & Empower you to connect with the magic essence of your higher divine self. Please visit the following link for more info: |
Learn To Read Tarot w/ James Himm Mitchell & Gypsy Spirit
Sunday September 1st 4:00 - 6:00 Learn to read tarot, how to use various spreads for your friends and yourself. Who knows, maybe one day you will turn it into a business. Whatever the case may be, you will learn much with other kindred spirits and have a wonderful time.
Cost: $30.00 (please pay upon arrival) This class has space for 9 individuals, please RSVP with Gypsy Spirit by texting 843-575-9243. |