These past few weeks I have been counseling with a young woman in her mid 30's who felt trapped to her circumstances of her situation with her live in boyfriend. To add fuel to the fire, this young lady has two small children without any child support.
We are at the beginning of the New Moon. This is the time to embrace the new energy of hope & trust of what we are manifesting. In the case of the young woman that I speak of, she has opened her mind to an understanding that she is no longer trapped, as she sees the solutions to her situation. The old saying, "When life throws you a lemon, make lemonade." When we are able to see the solution to a problem in which we feel like we are trapped, that is the moment we embrace freedom and become empowered. For some in might be a marriage or relationship, others it can be a job or finances. It could be a number of things, but the Universe always provides and open door for whatever the problem may be. It is up to us to find the key and unlock our minds to freedom. In many cases, it may take some time to move forward, as we carefully set out and move with our intention. Just acknowledging that you are in control is the first step of action. My mother's favorite saying often was, "If there is a will, there is a way." , and "There is more than one way to skin a cat." (that last statement is not to be taken literally). |
It is when we wrap our thoughts up with fear and not believing, or having hope to change what we want to change, we lose our power. Some things may come easy, while other's may not. But, there is power in hope. We manifest what we are hoping for. Don't think that the Universe does not hear what we want. As we embrace trust and hope, the more centered we become with Universe, filling us with peace & faith.
Many of you that have been coming to me for readings & rituals are coming into your own awakening. This is so exciting to me! Some of you have expressed interest in reading tarot. Guess What? That's right, The Esoteric Society will be having Tarot Reading Classes. Dates & Times will be announced in next week's newsletter. In the meantime, I encourage to purchase this book, I think most every tarot reader owns a copy.
I am very thrilled to to introduce James as our first practitioner to the Esoteric Society. I have known James for some time, we hosted a radio show together, "Awakenings" when I was just beganing my spiritual journey. What a beautiful human being he is! I have never met anyone that has had nothing but wonderful things to say about James.
Past Life Reading Friday July 5th 12 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. The Past Life readings are a great way to find out what causes you to have certain behavior patterns, as it helps you to have a better understanding of the life that you are in now & how to follow your compass. Form Of Payment: Love Offering All you have to do is call or text Gyspy Spirit for time and address at 843-575-9243 |
Healing Hands & Crystal Therapy
Saturday July 6th 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Spend 30 minutes in the warmth of Healing Hands & Crystal Therapy with Gypsy Spirit. A private session of hands on healing (much like reiki) using crystals, essential oils & flowers. Gypsy Spirit has created a very special therapy to heal & remove the blockages that are holding you back from connecting with your Higher Divine. After just one session you will feel recharged with the courage & confidence to move forward with your manifestations. Cost: A Love Offering Just text Gypsy Spirit at 843-575-9243 to schedule your private session. The Magic Of Higher Divine Power
August 4th - 25th A guidance of encouragement created to Enlighten & Empower you to connect with the magic essence of your higher divine self. Please visit the following link for more info: |