Julie San Angelo December 17 2022 (google review) I waited a week to see if I could put my experience into words and if this feeling would “wear off”. No to both. 😊 but I will do my best. I got a reading from Lisa over the phone. I hadn’t had a reading in 30 years. I was skeptical on what kind of connection could be made over the phone, but apparently that was silly, The cards showed a situation I was going though and Lisa, being as intuitive as she is, was able to add details that brought everything together. I am a very practical person and like to understand things in their whole, if I don’t understand something, it will create a sort of hamster wheel till I can compartmentalize. With my readers background in Psychology and Religions, she felt almost like a spiritual therapist, with the wisdom of a nurturing elder. The emotional weight and bewilderment I felt for days afterwards prompted me to schedule and energy session. I don’t want to delve to deeply into that experience, because everyone’s is geared tword different needs…but wow. Just wow. I had no idea how much energy had been getting zapped from me in everyday life accumulated and made blockages. The Reiki season left me tired and I slept for 10 hours, but the next day my head was extremely clear and so much worthless stress and worry has dissipated. There is so much more you do in a session; chakra balancing with stones, past life reading, many different cards are drawn and discussed…but again, don’t want to spoil the fun. 🤗 Well, looks like I found the words after all and could go on and on….This is an absolutely lovely woman who’s clairvoyant grifts are finely tuned. You will leave there with the universal love shining bright 😊
Denise August 18th 2022 (google review) I had a reading with Spirit today and it was spot on. As a Medium I will share that it is difficult to find someone who is accurate and caring, well she is all of that and more. If you want an accurate reading call her you won't be disappointed. Money well spent.
Scarlet Compton Bellow August 6th 2022 (google Review) I have been consulting with Gypsy Spirit over 10 years. I am amazed by her abilities and insightful messages. She has told me events that will happen, that I never thought would happen, that came to pass.. This Lady is the real deal...
MKHODGES "MKCADDY" June 10th 2022 (google review) I have done 5 reading with Gypsy ,twice in a group of 4 or more ,once alone and twice with a friend. The cards that showed up hit the mark for what was going on with me personally n professional. I highly recommend Gypsy Spirit. Michelle Goebel Nov. 12th 2020 (google review) Love the services she provides. Very helpful and exactly what I needed. I'll be back for sure!
Lisa Tuten Nov. 6th 2020 (google review) When I met Gypsy Spirit my husband and I were at a crossroads. We had no idea how to move forward or what path to take. The reading and time she spent with us was more then we expected. She gave so much love and care to us and over us which helped us be able to see clearly. I am grateful for her and the gifts she walks in! She is definitely gifted and a earth Angel here to help humanity evolve so that our time here on this planet is worth living.
Mutinta May 19, 2021 She was great! She had a very easy going and inviting spirit about her. I felt welcomed and comfortable from the moment She opened her door. I had a good reading and l left with high spirits of courage! Thank you Lisa!!
Karen April 16th She was so personable; the biggest thing was how on point she was. Both my daughter and I commented on not only how comfortable she made us but how I knew I would return
lashonhorton Apr 13, 2021 My first time getting a reading and she was great! I love the energy and I will be returning soon!
Megan Jul 25, 2020 Lisa was attentive, honest, and easy to work with. She has a lot of knowledge in tarot.
Maria Jul 22, 2020 Excellent she was able to reach my past and current Remarkably on Would highly recommend
Julia Jun 6, 2020 Gypsy spirit was awesome!!
Lisa Feb 11, 2020 I met with her and was comfortable. She was warm and friendly. She explained everything as she was doing the reading and making sure I understood what was being said an d would let me ask questions. I would definitely recommend her.
lindy Jan 17, 2020 Lisa is very skilled and a lovely person to meet. I also bought one of her own essential oil sprays and will be back to try more. Feeling very up- lifted after Lisa working with me.
5/9/17 I have twice worked with Lisa, 1 tarot card reading and 1 as a medium. I find Lisa to be very insightful, accurate and very empathetic. She really takes the time to ensure that she is with you in your journey for answers and personal discovery. I highly recommend Lisa as a means to help understand your life, world and spirit. R.B.- North Charleston, SC
5 / 21 /15 Good Day Gypsy Spirit: You are spot on with this reading; all that you have said is on target. Your recommendations are noted. DL VI
5/2/15 Hello, Thank you! You're very good! I do have memories from Egypt times. DM NY
5/3/15 HI Thank you...interesting! And yes, I do second guess myself a lot at times...especially when I think back to things or situations in my past (in this lifetime) ...I think.."I wonder what my life would be like now if I had of chose this..instead of this"... SK Canada
4/29/15 I want to thank you, I know I have had many past lives. but this is such a big part of my life. I have always talked to the tree, sat underneath the trees to feel the energy. to this day I talk to trees and ask for answers. we bought a house three years ago and I loved this house because I have over 20 different types of tree in your yard. I also have trees in my house and bring in branches, from a few inches to ten feet. My husband tells me that we live in a jungle. As for the druids I have always defended them to people. I hear how bad people think they are and I have never got that feeling. I have felt love and a strong bond. so all I have to say is wow, and thank you again. HC ME
4/5/15 Thank you Gypsy Spirit for an interesting reading and also the intriguing past life reading! It certainly has given me a new perspective on what is currently happening in my life. MB
3 /24/15 Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for your readings....all three really resonated with me.....
I know it is not your job to give me a 'feel-good' reading if it is not in the cards....lol, but I am very pleased with what all had to say, both validating and comforting,
Interesting on the flower card, I have just started using lavender more regularly since about the time of the new moon, so check mark #1
Both the Angel card and tarot validated and uplifted me since I recently had attended a reading party held by one of my mentors/teacher who basically told me that my guides were telling her that I am on the right path, though there may be struggles, just keep on keepin' on.
I am also pleased by the tarot (I have basic knowledge on the tarot, just don't feel comfortable reading for someone else let alone myself...lol), and I am also very pleased that the tower did not show up.....that little bugger has seemed to come up in almost every tarot reading that I have had in the recent past.
Thanks again Gypsy. I hope you get to your garden soon. CM
3 /20 /15 Good evening Gypsy, I want to thank you for this reading and MP3 (of which I will download after I type this). This reading I can really relate too. I agree with all three cards. It is good to get validation, and I feel, as the cards suggest, I have a bit to go yet before I rest, but I know that I will get through it.
Thanks again and blessings.... KM
3 /19 /15 Thank You Gypsy .......... this all makes perfect sense to me now..........and thank you for taking the time to do the reading and providing me with some insight into whats been going on deep within my soul at this time. K Australia
3 /15/15 Thank you. This was right on target. I've had sinus issues all my life!Looking forward to getting the meditation I just ordered from you. :) AB MN
3 / 15 /15 Gypsy Spirit, Spot On! Yes...Funny thing is I have NO DOUBT that Money Comes to Me...It is My mindset. I am opposite in this Lifetime..Fiercely Independent. In My Reality Money is an Energy...That is why it is called "Currency"...An Earth thing and I hold no attachment to it except for what it provides & the life experiences it can bring into this Life. I have lost everything...My credit rating, a house and every material possession I acquired. Such a Freeing Experience! Non Attachment to the Material. AND You sent this at 3:33 pm. A message with in the Message! Thank YOU! Blessings to You as Well!!! SV FL
3 / 13/ 15 - That was awesome! It definitely rings true! Going to chew on this further. Thank you. JK MA
3/ 12/ 15 - Thank you sooo much! I feel it's true. I make good money but I always have felt that fear there is not enough. My mother growing up would always say "you poor depraved child" when I would whine or complain. She meant "deprived" but that's anther story! I'm ready to let go of this fear and feel the abundance of the Universe more completely ) xo LS Arizona
3/11/15 - Gypsy Spirit, wow, you were so bang on. But what's interesting is the past life you described was my childhood. I had a horse, and I used to ride all the time. And i was hurt on the farm. And i was taken away from it when I was ten, under the promise i could bring all the animals with me (I'm 35 now). So the disappointment has always run with me as well. Now i dream of having a farm again. I'll be sure to let everyone know. You were very accurate. I'll be back for sure :) VN Canada
3/11/15 - Thanks so much!!! This really neat to know, everyone has said my straight connection to Angels. TM South Carolina
3/10/15 - Thank you so much for the reading. Your reading was pretty spot on. I've always had a problem with the thought of charging for what I can do but it's been calling to me lately harder and quite loudly! MM New Jersey
3/10/15 - Hi Gypsy spirit, Thank you for the reading. I feel I am a country girl at heart and dream of having a small farm or small holding. I do love and connect with animals. Also my ancestors were connected to farming too. I do like gardening but had to leave it for a while. I do have Fibromyalgia an back problems. Mostly on my right side. This is the main reason for the reading, so that I can work on unblocking the past trauma as I seem to have brought it with me in this life. Many thanks and love and light to you CW United Kingdom
3/9/15 - Thank You! This makes perfect sense. I have been raised as catholic but some of the religious dogma doesn't sit comfortably with me. Equally I'm often embarrassed to admit I have deep spiritual convictions and beliefs. This all fits in with why I find romantic relationships so difficult! I've been single for 4 years and can't seem to meet the right man for me. Thanks again LV United Kingdom
3/9/15 - Wow, this was really amazing- thank you! I've had problems in this life with my parent, or rather, being neglected as I grew up (only child, single-parent home where mom worked all the time and was/is very dysfunctional, dad lived halfway across the country). Yes, I've had trust and relationship problems. I've been codependent with my partner/husband, and have moved from being controlled by one husband to finding another husband who doesn't assert his needs at all (whole different set of problems). What has been with me my whole life is this painful awareness of my loneliness, and yet the inability to connect intimately with others, which I feel is from fear of rejection. A lot of this I have contributed to my upbringing, which, in addition to being emotionally neglected, I attended 5 different elementary schools alone, so I was always the outsider CL Kentucky
lisa tutenNov 6, 2020 (google review) When I met Gypsy Spirit my husband and I were at a crossroads. We had no idea how to move forward or what path to take. The reading and time she spent with us was more then we expected. She gave so much love and care to us and over us which helped us be able to see clearly. I am grateful for her and the gifts she walks in! She is definitely gifted and a earh Angel here to help humanity evolve so that our time here on this planet is worth living.