Self Acceptance: Accepting ourselves for who we are, and find peace living to our own standards of life.
There is a human need to be accepted in this world's society. Many of us will go through extremes to receive acceptance, such as: cosmetic surgery, living beyond our means, going along with the trend of beliefs and behavior that goes against what is true to our hearts, etc.
I recall reading an article about John Lennon and his first wife, Cynthia Lennon. She claimed in the early years of their relationship John was attracted to Bridget Bardot. He mentioned how much he loved her blonde hair. Cynthia later had her hair dyed blonde to please John. We all know the story, John ran off and married a dark haired woman. I never recall Yoko going blonde.
The point that I am trying to make is that many women will go out of their way to make changes on themselves to make another person happy. More times than none, the relationship ends in heart break. When this happens, a woman will ask herself, "What did I do wrong? I did everything I could to make him happy."
But it does not start there. We are taught as children that we must do certain things for people to like and accept us. We must behave and think a certain way to be accepted even within our families. If we do not play the game, then we are cast out as "black sheep". We learn to make compromises that we are not comfortable with until we grow to believe that comprise that we made is just the way things are suppose to be. It is called, training to be untrue to ourselves.
Self-Acceptance is when we stop trying to measure up to other people's standards, and live our lives according to our own authentic selves of beliefs & behaviors.