I'm not skinny enough. I am not pretty enough. I am not rich enough. I am not smart enough. I don't deserve...and the list goes on and on.
These are the things that I would say to myself throughout most of my life. I even recall many years ago being at a gathering and noticing this very gorgeous guy, I wanted to meet him, I convinced myself within a few minutes that he was way out of my league. "You are not good for him.", I told myself. WOW, talk about creating some serious blockage! I believe if creating blockages was a class, there was a time I could have taught it so well, I would have won the teacher of the year award. But after much redirecting by my spirit guides and coming into my spiritual awakening in 2011, I am no longer the powerless victim to my own thoughts that created such massive blockage. My clients ask me all the time how can they remove the blockage they have created. It really is much more simple than we think. An ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE is the key. It is interesting how our perception of ourselves begins to shift when we are grateful for who we are. We begin to understand what thoughts and behaviors about ourselves that we need to change. |
Let's step out of the box a little bit here. Much of those negative thoughts about ourselves creates a magnetic energy that draws us to other people that have the same thoughts about themselves. It turns into a vicious cycle, and often what we think and feel about ourselves, we will project onto others, thus, creating even more blockage within.
When my younger sister was 18 years old, she wanted to join the Navy. Oh my goodness, I told her that she would never make it in the military because she was not military material, as well as many other horrible reasons about herself why she should not join the Navy. Today she is a Lieutenant Commander for the Navy. Thank God she decided NOT to listen to me! I was projecting my own fears and insecurities about myself to my sister. As we work on ourselves to bring on a positive shift, we have to change the playground and our playmates. If you are surrounded by negative people, places and things, you must remove yourself from that energy. Look at it as "evaluating your inventory" and getting rid of who and what is not lifting YOU up to your better, higher self. Being around others with a high frequency will lift us up and shift our thinking to an attitude of gratitude. |
Full Moon: September 9th
Full Moon Cleansing Prayer |
New Moon: September 25th
Working With The New Moon |
The New Moon is about setting intentions and manifesting what you want to bring in. The following is a simple guide you can use in working with the new moon energy.
~Think about what you want to draw into your life. ~Write your intentions in a journal & keep up with it daily. ~Have a tarot & oracle card reading. ~Create a vision board. ~Create an affirmation for yourself. ~Plant seeds in your garden. |
The chakra's are the organs that support our spiritual bodies. We are all familiar with the organs that support our physical bodies. The chakra's are connected to various physical organs. When one has a physical issue with a particular organ, often there is a problem with the chakra that organ is connected to. There are things that can be done to cleanse and align the chakra's, such as working with essential oils , crystals, meditation, yoga and eating healthy.
Root Chakra
When the Root Chakra is blocked it will cause us to feel as if we do not have enough and disconnects us from our true authentic self, leaving us to feel ungrounded and insecure.. The parts of the body it is associated with is the spinal column, kidneys, legs, feet, rectum and immune system. Also, when unbalanced it will effect our emotions in regards to means of survival, self-esteem, social order, family and security,. This month the Root Chakra kit is on sale. The kit includes: root chakra essential oil body & air spray & concentrated oil, Root chakra candle w/ herbs & crystals, root chakra bath salts w/ essential oils, loose sage w/ clam shell, red jasper, black tourmaline, quartz crystal & peacock feather.
Come enjoy an evening w/ Gypsy Spirit to celebrate the energy of the New Moon. There will be Tarot & Oracle Card readings for each one, Mediumship & Dream Interpretation & a special gift for everyone. Gypsy Spirit will also have her candles and essential oils for sale at 10% off.
Food & Beverages are available through Trotters Restaurant |