Several years ago I sat in a little pizza pub and complained to a friend that I was not getting the things I want in my life. I expressed that I had been praying for these certain things to become a reality in my life, but nothing was happening . My friend sat across the table looking all fine and handsome, while listening to me whine. He began laughing as he responding, "Gypsy, you have everything you have been asking for. It is right in front of you." Me, continuing to whine about my situation , said, "Well, where is it? I do not see it." My friend explained that as soon as I put my wishes out to the Universe, it was being orchestrated. He continued to tell me that I was the problem, and he pointed at on end of the room and said, "That is where you are at." Then he pointed to the other side of the room and said, "That is everything you have manifested. The problem is that you have created many blockages between yourself and your dreams." My friend was right. I began to understand that in manifesting ideas and things we want to bring into our lives we must first believe in what we are manifesting. When we put the thoughts out to the Universe, we must expect it to happen. Thus, the reason why it is important to be careful what you wish for. Words and thoughts are very powerful.
Recently my youngest son told me that he had just created an Etsy store. Then he said the worst thing he could have ever said, "It probably won't be successful." I looked at him with my mouth dropped to the floor and asked, "Why would you say that?" His reply, "Because nothing else I do ever works out." I was very disappointed when I shot back, "Well, you just wasted all your time putting that Etsy site together. If that is what you think and believe, then you are right, it will not be successful." |
Our manifestations are thoughts packed with energy. Perhaps you may not believe in something when the thought first comes to you. But as you spend time in manifesting whatever it is, you must believe and expect the miracle of magic in knowing nothing is impossible.
Timing is also everything. Our timing is often far different from Universal timing. I recall several years ago a client came to me to talk about a new home in a different state. She and her husband were looking at this beautiful farm in Virginia. I could see that it was going to happen. But in her case, trusting the Universe seem to be a problem. She thought all the time about moving to this place. After drawing her tarot cards, I immediately saw the problem. She believed that it was possible for her to make this move. Trusting the Universe to make it happen was another issue. She had a vision with big plans for this farm. The Universe knew exactly what she needed for what she wanted to do with the land. I remember advising her to let it go. She had already put it out there to the Universe of what she wanted. Now she just needed to stop worrying about it so much and expect the Universe to follow through with her manifestation. She was really focused on this piece of property she and her husband were looking at. They made an offer and everything seem to look like it was falling into place. But there was a snag somewhere and she did not get the farm she wanted. But guess what? She had finally let go of trying to make it happen the way she visualized it, and a year later another farm became available. This farm was such more more than the last farm, bigger and perfect for her vision of what she wanted to do, and a better price. She is now the happy owner of that farm. The fun part of manifesting something is watching the magical miracles unfold that brings us to where we want to be. The magic on our part is just to believe and expect once we put it out there and trust that the Universe will take care of the rest. |
Full Moon: October 9th
It Comes Back On The Full Moon |
New Moon: October 25th
Working With The New Moon |
A full tarot reading with a very relaxing guided meditation using Mahatma Energy along w/ crystals to enhance the experience.
A fun & magical reading using the Alice In Wonderland Tarot deck & oracle cards . Gypsy Spirit has created a special tea, "A Healing of the Soul", for this reading. This fabulous tea is perfect for October, made with Hibiscus Flowers, Mint, Lemongrass & Lavender.
Do you have reoccurring dreams or experience moments of deja' vu? Perhaps you keep experiencing the same kind of relationships and can't understand why. Find out what the Universe is trying to help you with through a past life reading with Gypsy Spirit. A full Tarot Reading is included in a Past Life Reading. Each session takes 60-90 minutes. Over the phone readings are included.