I believe that when we are born into this world it is like entering into a cocoon, our subconscious goes into a deep sleep . While in this sleep we become conditioned to the ways of the world, and false teachings that have been handed down through the generations of our families.
It is the journey of experiences that we endure that help us along the way to awaken us to truth. We all receive awakenings throughout our lives. Some of them are like earthquakes, we have the big ones that shake us up and turn us inside out, and of course, the little ones that make us question things. I recall my first small awakening when I was married to my husband of thirteen years. We had met in church and followed the ways of the Christian thinking. In 2009 someone gifted me the book, "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert. Just before reading the book, I had a tiny tremor. By the time I read half of the book, the tremor got bigger. One evening my husband was on the back porch grilling our dinner and I walked over to him and asked him a question that would alter my marriage. This is what I asked him, "Let's say that there is a couple like us that live in Iraq and they have a family just like us, they have a business, a mortgage and are good people just like us. They are very strong in their Muslim faith as we are in our Christian faith. Do you think they are going to hell because they do not believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord & Savior?" My husbands response that changed my marriage, "Yes, they are going straight to hell because they do not know Jesus as their Lord & Savior." That was all I needed to know when I was awakened to the fact that it was just a matter of time before my marriage would be over. Oh there were other issues too, but this was big. I knew it was the beginning of a new awakening that was going to take me down a path that my husband did not, and still does not, understand. I was shaking off those conditions and false beliefs that had led me to live my life in fear. Off course, that was not the massive awakening for me. We usually have little tremors before the big kahuna comes along. |
I believe they refer this sort of thing in the Bible as to having layers of veils covering our eyes. Each time we experience an awakening, veils are lifted away from us, thus allowing us to see more clearly. The veils are lifted a little at a time, allowing us time to process what we are awakening to. When the Universe feels we are ready, we have the real big awakening that will change our lives completely and put us on a new journey of life. This change does include finding a new playground, new playmates and surrounding yourself with new things. So for those that are going through a divorce through the awakening, you will be fine, it is part of the process.
What happens to us when the veils begin to clear out? We find our voice, in speaking the truth that allows us to stand in our own power. Fear no longer controls us. For us that have problems with anxiety and depression, that goes away. I also must mention, we really begin to connect so much more with nature, flowers and trees, even the stars and sky become very vibrant. I suppose you could say it is like being on a natural acid trip. As the veils are lifted, we get lighter from the heavy weight we had been carrying on our shoulders, it begins to dissipate. It is then that we lift up to a higher realm on this planet, the spiritual realm. This higher place is where our third eye becomes more activated and we learn secrets and truths the Universe has been waiting to share with us. Suddenly we discover how powerful we are and learn how to use our spiritual gifts just like we learned to walk and talk. Oh this gets so much better! The journey of life that we have been traveling on since we were born, and trying to figure out what our purpose on this planet is, we learn what that purpose is through our awakening. It is sad however, many people leave this planet without having been awakened. Perhaps it was not time, we have all had to live many past lives to get to this point. Are you going through an awakening? If you are and find it difficult to talk to your family and friends about it, that is because they are still sleeping. You may even wonder if you are losing your marbles, you are not. Trust that you are evolving, as you are releasing yourself out of the cocoon of this world and becoming the beautiful butterfly you are meant to be. |
Full Moon: November 8th
It Is About Transition |
New Moon: November 23th
Opening New Space |
Get some insight on 2023. Gypsy Spirit gives a tarot and oracle card reading that covers each month of 2023. Get your reading in November to get in on the Early bird special.
A tarot & oracle card reading and hands on healing (much like reiki) using crystals, essential oils & flowers. Gypsy Spirit has created a very chakra healing & balancing therapy to heal & remove the blockages that are holding you back from connecting with your Higher Divine.
Do you have reoccurring dreams or experience moments of deja' vu? Perhaps you keep experiencing the same kind of relationships and can't understand why. Find out what the Universe is trying to help you with through a past life reading with Gypsy Spirit. A full Tarot Reading is included in a Past Life Reading. Each session takes 60-90 minutes. Over the phone readings are included.