Geraniums are great plants to have around your home, inside and out. They will certainly bring good luck to you. Here are just a few uses for this powerful flower:
~ Exorcism: If you have unwanted entities in or around your home, the Geranium will assist in removing them. ~Goddess Energy & Feminine Healing: This is a great flower to help heal & strengthen the Goddess divine within. ~Happy & Peaceful Home: Geraniums are very powerful in bringing the vibration of grounding, love, harmony, protection & strength within the home. ~Aura Cleansing & Healing: Tie some of the flowers along with some sprigs of Rosemary together and brush around the aura to remove any negative energy that has attached itself to you. ~Heals A Broken Heart: When your heart has been broken, communicating with the Geranium will help heal the pain. Wearing the essential oil blended with a carrier oil helps to. ~Love: The Geranium helps to keep love grounded and protected. It can enhance the feeling of romantic love & sexual pleasure. |